1- It dries faster after a long ride. Having short hair prevents my pretty little head from freezing during winter.
2- Wake up in the morning, or any other time with no bed head.
3- I'm just getting lazier and don't want to use a brush or comb.
4- No helmet hair, this is specially appropriate when one of our rides ends at a bar and there are cute girls. Helmet hair is so unbecoming. Even if you get paid big money for riding a bike.
So I went to Hair Cuttery to see my stylist Elena, (yes I did say stylist, not sure lady barber applies). She was telling me about her upcoming vacation in April to Cancun. I was a little jealous since I can't go any where right now. This unemployment thing really sucks.
On my way back I stopped at the library to pick up a copy of "The Nanny Diaries" DVD that I had reserved. Hey Scarlett Johansson is hot! I will reserve a DVD if she is in it, just to see her in my living room. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with a crush on her since I had to reserve the DVD at the library.

Besides after reading the book I decided to check out the movie. Although I have to admit it was more the fact that I'm secretly in love with Scarlett. While in line to check out my copy of "Nanny Diaries", I saw this book on the section "Books we like".

Needless to say I checked it out. Since I'm already making my own knickers for riding my bike.

Not afraid to admit I have a feminine side (or at least I will find out)
Hey I'm trying to be frugal since there is no work prospects right now, and I need to save money. What with that funny business of having to pay rent and feed myself, anything is pretty good as far as saving money goes. I might as well look for ways to stay warm during the winter for less.Maybe even have fun doing it, or just have it be a horrible experiment.
As I was unlocking my bike a thought came to mind. Yesterday I was ranting about the neglected/abandon bikes along Milwaukee Ave. Well when I looked at my bike I realized it sorta looks like one of the neglected bikes.

Even the saddle looks really beat up! I imagined another fellow cyclist passing by, looking at the bike and thinking what kind of a douche leaves his bike neglected in front of the library.

Well I will let you know if the movie was as good as the book or not. I shed a tiny tear when I reached the end of the book. Let's see if the movie does the same. If not at least I get to see Miss. Johansson in her underwear.
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